Learning & Passion: Necessary Entrepreneurisms for SuccessWe identified “Nine Entrepreneurisms” or behaviors that successful entrepreneurs exhibit, either as individuals or as part of a team....
Senior Managers: Wake-up now before you won’t need to set the alarm for work!If you are a senior manager in your 30s your wake up alarm is now blaring. While you are busy dealing with an inbox full of emails,...
Business model vs business ‘frame’: Funding & Customer Acquisition ChallengesFunding & Customer Acquisition Remain Challenges In our research of successful entrepreneurs we find that the term business model does...
Just Shout it: You want to bring Entrepreneurship back!Standard Chartered Bank CEO, Bill Winters took up the position in June 2015 and a month later unveiled a plan to axe 1,000 of the 4,000...
Three Wheels of Technology Wealth CreationThe January 2015 Fortune article by Erin Griffith and Dan Primack, “The Age of the Unicorns” created quite a stir in the technology...